So here we are upon the very brink of the festival of All Hallows, the time when all things that desire to go bump do their bumping. But do not for a moment assume that this is a bad thing to be avoided, oh no this is an opportunity to taste pleasures as well. Take this example, plucked from my novel CRYPT:
“drawing back the duvet and his hands and lips caressing her whole body; at some point her panties seemed to vanish and now she had him within her. Slowly entering and leaving her body, bringing moans of pleasure to both her dream and her real body. Anyone passing her door would soon after hear her let out a shuddering moan that rose from the core of her being and erupted into the darkness. Now Natasha was left in darkness the warm glow of her climax feeding her pleasure”
Natasha certainly doesn’t seem to be shying away from the pleasures of the night 😊 which is an improvement on her night a year before:
“What Natasha’s Mum and especially Dad wanted was what she had long ago come to realise would happen whether she liked it or not, ‘and after that little incident with Michael’ she thought ‘my wants are most definitely not worth a great deal’. It had been a year before and neither parent was likely to let it drop any time soon. They had come home early from a dinner to find their precious daughter naked on the kitchen table covered in spray cream and Michael pounding away at her. She could still see her mum’s face as she tried to extradite herself from the moment. ‘Ruined my evening and he wouldn’t speak to me again’ she thought.”
However, if you fancy something a little more Demonic how about you join the characters of Moon Dance and see who your partner of the night might be:
“His tail snaked out and wrapped itself around her right leg curling upwards; her voice failed her as she felt its tip begin to probe her sex. Revulsion was all she wanted to feel but they had done something to her that caused her body to betray her desires, as the tip brushed her sex she was left gasping for air. A single touch, like flicking a switch, brought her to their desire, minutes later and she was on her hands and knees with the creature’s swollen member being thrust in and out of her sobbing yet willing body. “
So as you can see what ever your desires there is a Cole Browning Novel to suit that desire, slip on over to:
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Cole Browning
Loved 'Crypt' it was an amazing tale. Although I love your story telling with 99.9 % of your books. Moon Dance being one of the e best for Halloween