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What attracts? 😉

Writer: Cole BrowningCole Browning

Something a little different this week, let us ponder what attracts and what you the reader perhaps feel about what attracts you to others and draws others to you. While wandering the internet as all authors avoiding actually writing will do, I came across these little pearls of wisdom (erm well little pearls you decide the level of the wisdom 😉):

What men are attracted to:

What people are attracted to in men:

Watch and consider, do they reflect you and your thoughts upon this?

When you read one of my novels you will see couples of all types coming together, often by accident but always there is an attraction that brings them to the moment of sharing of themselves. Is it the way they were dressed, is it the way they moved or spoke? Can we always put a finger on that key something, probably not but we can always do things that will entice the chance to be more likely than not.

When the moment arrives, everyone will I expect have a kiss, before the hunger within claims the soul and need drives the moment. But how does this come to be, what tentative steps must be gone through to be certain that you BOTH are thinking and feeling the same about the moment you are in? Concerns and near panic pervading your being as you fear that if you make the first move you could be utterly rejected, seeking the sign that he or she is longing for you to make the move they fear making themselves.

How many opportunities have been missed through a fear of rejection? Especially at a tentative time in our social development, well apparently there are videos about this too (Either the current generation are REALLY lucky, or they are going to be sooo messed up, you decide):

Now for homework please slip over to my site, and check out my novels, can you spot the attractions systems? Do they reflect your desires? <-- ALL my Reviews






With the first video ‘What attracts’ I agree smile, eyes etc are things that can and often do attract one person to another and yes the way someone is dressed. I have to ask, do men really look at the waist to hip ratio? Over to you Cole to answer that one 😉

Also, I have to say, what attracts someone to another person say in their 40’s is possibly different to what attracts when you’re younger.. Personality plays quite a big part in both age groups, I would have to say, someone being ‘themselves ‘ does it for me now....

With regards to the second video, hmmmm..... where do I start, I can honestly say that what the panel…



Attraction is a variety of things and it’s not always the common things that you can be attracted to, at least not for me anyway. There are so many facets to a person, I’m not sure I could name one singular thing such as lips, eyebrows or a smile. For me, it’s often the unseen that appeals on a deeper and less superficial level. To be honest, I didn’t watch all of video 2, once the young lady declared that she’d ‘fuck the one on the right and date the one on the left’ I lost interest.

A thought provoking subject none the less and worthy of consideration ...



Your first video, What attracts, I have to agree with most of it, a good personality and the eyes and smile are very important. Your second video, well that left me a little fazed. I didn't agree with the panel much at all. It just goes to show how different things change what we see in a person. My thoughts are, if I'm going to be the centre of a person's moment then he has a good chance, and yes, he has to smile so it reaches his eyes

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